Saturday, November 2, 2019

Rhetorical Situation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rhetorical Situation - Essay Example So, different writers write best in different environments. However, there are some similarities among these writers. They are acquire new ideas for writing. Moreover, they are also good readers of their own work especially when revising. Through these, they shape their writing styles and gain more experience as well. I different writers work best in different environment and time They say all writers write with a thought in mind that somebody will read their work. Experienced writers normally consider audience as one of the most crucial factors when compiling their works. They do this by keeping the audience in their minds and using language and tone accordingly. Inexperienced writers, on the other hand, write as if they do not expect other people to go through their work. When talking of audience, there are two types; an individual whom the writer may or may not know and a group that may include several people whom the writer does not know. The two audiences are particular audience and universal audiences. I say audience is a crucial factor for any writer. This is the motive or aim that a writer always hopes to accomplish through writing. Some of these aims are: amusing people, discovering oneself, conveying information, exploring ideas and evaluating something. However, the primary aim of all writers is to persuade readers. Writers normally begin with one topic and narrow it down. For instance a writer writing about abortion may narrow it down to effects of abortion. This is meant to give the readers more detailed information concerning some parts of the topic. Entering into a conversation is whereby a writer reads about a certain topic, understands the concepts and controversies that relates to that particular topic. The writer then becomes aware of a large communication going on. Therefore, he or she begins to see his or her own place in the conversation. He discovers his own ideas and stance on

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